Does first degree have to match Phd?


I studied at Manchester and did a BSc in Computer Science (completed 2001). I'm now thinking of going back to do an MA in History. The uni have said that the fact my first degree was unrelated will not hold me back from applying for the MA.

What i'm wondering is if i complete the MA and want to go for a PHd (again in History) will the fact that my first degree was technical become an issue?


I started out in mad lab science, and have ended up in education. Did MA in education and was encouraged by them to carry on. So if you do well in the MA I can't see a problem.


I also switched from lab-based science to humanities via an MPhil. It's becoming more and more common to switch fields completely via an MA/MPhil.


When 'selling yourself' to potential PhD supervisors, focus on the so called 'transferable skills' that you aquired from your computer science degree (E.g. a keen eye for detail; analytical skills; no fear of statistics etc), and explain why this makes you BETTER than an average history graduate.


You might be interested to know that there is a department in Manchester University called CHSTM. Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine. Most of ther students doing MA and PhD degrees in the dept come from a science background, so that wouldn't hold you back. There is a number of students working on aspects to do with the history of computing.

They have some links with the history department at Manchester too.

My undergraduate degree in unrelated to my PhD subject.


Thanks for all your comments. I applied, was successful and start in 6 weeks!

Thanks again for the advice.
