

gosh i have been trying to access this forum for days and threads appeared mixed up!! finally here. this is rather pretty(up)


I love the new forum, but cannot cope with the fact the newest posts are first. I know you can change it, but I keep forgetting and reading from the top and getting sooo confused!

Not sure about the purple and orange though!


and now you can edit posts and see word count......


I too have been bamboozled by the newest post being at the top by default! My brain doesn't work that way. It's a bit annoying to have to keep changing it. And the colour scheme sucks

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Thank you for your feedback, I will discuss these issues at our next forum meeting, Thanks


I quite like the newest post coming first, I did that on the old forum too.

Wow, you guys have forum meetings and everything?


Question for the forum people really.... who actually runs it? I was wondering whether it was a specific university, or some other academic organisation or a private company....

I was curious, as you seem to make amendments and fix technical problems very quickly, which is an astonishingly fast response for a student resource, compared to my own institution's IT provision.

Re the other things people have mentioned, I'm also happy with the newest posts first, the recent changes are great and I also find the colour scheme a bit hideous.


We are a private company. which has employed people especially to keep a watchful eye over the forum and it's users. The most recent employee is busy working tirelessly to improve the forum and bring it up-to-date!
Does that Help?


Another question for the forum people. I already asked this before, but since my thread was utterly ignored, I thought I might ask it again here. Any chance to get notifications on posts for selected threads and/or a way to keep track of read posts?


The order of posts keeps confusing me too... am wondering if i am being resistant to change. apart from this the general lay out of the page is good; having said this the colours are so loud, wouldn't want to sign in when i have a headache!
Dear Forum administrator - when you were considering these colour schemes, you may have done well to solicit for our opinions - you know this whole notion of user participation to inform new directions;-) i would call it user centered approach! am sure my fellow Phdiers agree!


======= Date Modified 27 Aug 2008 14:25:58 =======
============= Edited by a Moderator =============

Quote From armendaf:

Another question for the forum people. I already asked this before, but since my thread was utterly ignored, I thought I might ask it again here. Any chance to get notifications on posts for selected threads and/or a way to keep track of read posts?

Your ideas are being discussed! Thank you for your input. It seems thread selection is being considered.


Fantastic! thanks a million! (up)


P. s The colour scheme is also being debated and discussed. If your thread doesn't not receive a reply do not assume you are being ignored, all ideas are passed around tot he relevant people and discussed. However it is impossible to please everyone! so some compromises will have to be made some where. But as we've also said the forum isn't finished yet so watch this pace for updates and changes.
Thank you for your input!!:-)


hi thecoasman, what do you mean? you mean these forum chats? .... very helpful indeed though i've never considered them meetings!


"The colour scheme is also being debated and discussed" thats good.... hope you will engage us in this debate and discussion too!(up)