Google Books

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Is it just me? - Why can't you buy the ebook version of the books on Google books???? If its already been put on there so you can read limited sections, why can't I just pay and read the whole thing without having to wait a week for amazon to get it to me?

Sneaks is puzzled!



I know that the only way Google was able to get permission to scan books is by keeping parts of the book concealed. I think it's on a per publisher/book basis. Therefore, they're not allowed to sell them either.

I am wondering if the section that's concealed depends on what you searched. i.e., if you know which section you want to view, try searches that are very specific to that section. Just a thought...

Try bit torrent for more popular titles, not that I'm condoning that sort of thing!

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i find that the pages concealed in google books are often available in amazon 'limited preview' although not always.


======= Date Modified 21 Jan 2009 17:14:17 =======
If you go to, rather than, they often have a search facility for scanned books...although it doesn't bring the whole book up, it can be helpful.

I'm not sure what's going on with the Google Book search, obviously they have scanned whole libraries but now can't show them due to copyright. It's very annoying when just a three line preview is shown. I assume at some point they'll do deals with publishers to sell copies...