hating teaching prep


hey guys,

this year am teaching this over-enthusiastic bunch who keep emailing me to ask questions about forthcoming seminars. that means that i have to spend more time looking at seminar work way before i need to and this i feel, is a waste of my time. love the teaching, hate the preparation. is anyone else going thro this?

love life - things are going superfine. i had a bday party, invited my crush, he send me this lovely card with lovely words in it.. went out to dinner yesterday with some friends.... couldn't help starring across the table now n then.. we weren't able to spend time together over the weekend - friends n all - he's coming over to see me sometime this week.. am very excited.

phd life - my sups decided that i change my topic to something they like - still getting my head round it.


Jojo did you get your paper done yet?


Her point is: Life is a jojo. Very poetic.


pea - yes i did. final touches on wednesday. thanks for your advise pea. was hard, but work.


DanB - seeing you're just getting back from the wilderness, i'd advice you have a recap of previous threads to get what the point is.


anonGerman - read your poem on DanB. Must say you're very poetic - have you considered having a poem website?


pea - last word was supposed to be 'worked' . excess typing syndrome.


Jojo, how about telling your students that you will be available to answer their e-mails or to see them in person between (insert times of day on day best for you) each week. You have a duty to support their learning and to be available for them but they must also understand that you have other responsibilities too. It's really great to have enthusiastic students and it makes teaching much more fun. However, unless you manage them carefully they can leave you little time for anything else!


jojo in addition to Anns advice I think you would feel much better about your own work load and factoring time for students, if you just get on a do tongues with this fella.


Yeah, that might well help and would probably be a lot more fun than time-managing undergrads...


thanks Ann and Pea. I'm definitely gonna arrange a specific time to answer questions, then i can have time for my thesis... which had been pushed to christmas vac.

Pea - think we're both too scared of each other - enjoying the chase, not sure i have the nerves to do that.... not yet ..maybe in Feb.. valentines!! taking it slow.... at the mo, it would feel like kissin a close male friend..


was jojo


pea has a long-term boyfriend and they are renovating together. Don't you guys remember anything?