help, please!!!


Hi all,
I am currently a couple of weeks away of starting a PhD. Basically, I applied for a few different studentships at different places, and got a couple of offers. I decided to take one of them because the project sounded really interesting, the pay was good, and the location suited me on top of all that.
Now I'm having my doubts. I got a couple more interesting offers since and I am completely torn. The projects are completely different, and I am crumbling utnder the pressure.
I feel like this is the most important decision for my future career, and I am so scared that I'm going to start on the project I've accepted, and then I won't like it or something.
At the same time I'm scared to tell them I'm not accepting after all, and go for something else.
Any advice? Could it just be cold feet?? How did you guys feel before taking up your PhD's?

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I only had one option for my PhD :-) But I'd go with the place that offers the best supervisor, as this is what will be the key to a successful PhD.

Equal to that is a project that interests you - 2 years down the line when the thing is dragging, you'll appreciate still being interested in what you're writing about.