Hi! :)


Hi, I've joined a while ago but never introduced myself properly. I started a PhD a few weeks ago and am really enjoying it so far! (I know, early days yet...) I'm still very excited about the PhD work itself, just a bit concerned about how to get it all done! I'm doing the PhD full-time, but I've also got to fit it around a part-time job (very part time - only a few hours a week) and family (I have two young children). I've had a 10-year break from proper academia, when I dropped out off a part-time PhD half-way through. (I can really relate to the stories of supervisors-from-hell on here...) This PhD is in a totally different discipline and my supervisors are lovely and very supportive - such a different experience from last time.

I've found this forum very helpful so far and I hope to make some useful contributions over the next 3 (or so) years. :)


Welcome aboard! Also good luck with the second PhD. I'm on my second try too, having had to abandon a full-time science PhD 13 years ago due to becoming seriously ill. I've nearly finished a part-time humanities PhD, so it can be done.


Thanks for the welcome. :) I've only now realised how badly the 'failed' PhD has affected me - especially my confidence. I have always seen myself as quite 'academic', so dropping out of the PhD was quite a blow for me. I never regretted that decision though, just wished I had made it earlier! Thinking about one of my supervisors still almost gives me a panic attack... I never considered a PhD again and only came across this one by coincidence. Actually getting it has given me a real boost. :)