======= Date Modified 06 39 2010 20:39:47 =======
Iam an international student got phd(self arranged)admision for sep2010 intake.
Is it tough to get funding from 2 year onwards..with in councils of ORSAS/DHP/COMONWEALTH etc...(told the dead lines are finished)

Am not sure of my funding from second year.
For my first year study I need to pay lumpsome .
Can I try for any grants or charities in UK?

Plz anybody help....!!!


======= Date Modified 06 Jun 2010 21:04:37 =======
Hi, I'm an international student as well. It may be that I didn't try hard enough, or maybe I'm in the wrong field, but when I looked into this, everyone said it's very very very hard to get any sort of funding for international students. Any funds available tends to go to the British students, which when you think about it, is quite fair.

I really do hope you find some funding though, good luck :)

EDIT: I forgot to say, you should try to see if your home country has any scholarships for PhD students studying overseas. You'll probably have more luck there.


Hey there! I'm not sure I can give you any specific advice, but I am in a large department with about 80 PhD students, and at a guess I'd say between a third and a half are international students, so whilst it is competitive, it isn't impossible. What subject are you in? For some subjects I believe it is difficult to get funding even if you are British, whilst for other subjects it's a lot less competitive. A lot of international students in our department are funded by the department itself, so it might be worth seeing whether there is any funding going there. And then the usual commonwealth scholarships etc. I am funded by a scholarship which was open to anyone who had previously studied any subject at any university in the country, and although it was a rather random scholarship I just stumbled upon, I got lucky with it, so it's worth persevering. There should be someone in the department you will be joining who can advise you on possible sources of funding (at least there is in our department) so perhaps you can find out who that is and drop them an email? Good luck with it, KB



Many thanks for your valuable suggestions
Mr Keen bean my topic of research is related to biotechnology(gene expression studies)
Could you please suggest chances of my area of research on funding???

I have called trusts they told they dont fund individual projects instead go for charities in your geographical area.
Though my project is self arranged what are my chances for funding in second year??

What is the role of supervisor in this application?
On what basis is the funding given?(academic merit/research experience/publications ..)
Do they count?
Iam an distinction holder..but dont have publications or research experience..

Please do help me...