How to publish an article?


Hi there,

I am a post Doc and I am currently continuing my research on the Industrial Revolution. I am not part of any university and my question really is how would I go about publishing an article. I did not complete my PhD in the UK and therefore would really appreciate any suggestions on how to get the ball rolling with this as I am not fully familiar with the UK publishing process.

Thanks a lot




Firstly, find a relevant and reputable journal which has a track record of publishing similar papers (e.g. on the Industrial Revolution, such as 'Economic History' journal). Then find out the 'notes for contributors' which should include what the journal is looking for in a submission, along with the format which they would like it in (footnotes or endnotes, how they want you to cite your primary sources, etc) and word-count. These notes should be on the journal's website.

After you've written your proposed article and formatted it in-line with the journal's required style, then email (or send a hard-copy, or both, depending on what they ask for) it to the address provided; usually the editor.

After that wait.... often for a long time. Peer review will then be done and you'll be informed of the outcome which will either be a 'no', a 'yes', or a 'please re-submit after revising in-line with peer-reviewer's comments'.

Also, the fact you're not affiliated with a University shouldn't matter as the peer-review is often done anonymously - so if the work is good enough it'll be accepted regardless of your position/qualifications.

That's my experience of it anyway. Hope it helps.