I'm done :)


======= Date Modified 04 May 2012 10:19:42 =======
3 years, 10 months and 2 days after I started, I have finally submitted the final copies of my thesis, and so I am now unofficially bowing out of the forum.

I will pop back in now and then to check on everyone's progress and hopefully be of occasional help to people, but the time constraints of working full-time mean that this forum is a distraction that I just can't afford!

Best of luck to everyone who is still on their PhD journey

Dr Smoobles


Ah best of luck Smoobles, hope it all goes well for you. I love a good PhD success story (up)


Congratulations, Dr. Smoobles! Best of luck with your job. :)


Best of Luck Dr. Smoobles!

It's great that you're completely done, and free to start a new chapter in your life! :-)
I completely empathise with you concerning the constraints of working full-time, and trying to have sort of personal life on the side.

Another "star" of the forum gone, but do hope you'll pop in now and again! (up)(up)(up)

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Congratulations Dr Smoobles-well done! Your time line is also really impressive. Good luck with your job and future plans.(gift)


Congrats ! (up)