Is a masters the way to go?


======= Date Modified 06 27 2009 13:27:22 =======
Hi all, I'm sure this kind of question has been asked plenty of times but...

I finished my History degree at the University of Plymouth in 2008 and have gone into rubbish admin work that pays the bills whilst I decide on what to do next. The thought of a masters always appealed to me but I am apprehensive to make such a big financial commitment. I only got a 2:2 (If I'm honest Its what i deserved) but I know I'm capable of so much more. I love history but am realistic about the amount of 'history jobs' out there, so I would like to do a more specific masters such as publishing. with a 2:2 from Plymouth what are my chances of getting into a goodish Uni?

Also I guess what i would like to know is whether or not doing a masters is worth the money in the current financial world?

I know this is long winded but I would appreciate any comments or advice! Thanks



Hello, I don't think having a 2:2 is a problem as I know people with the same grade that have gone onto do Masters and PhDs! Where there might be a problem is if you wanted to apply for a Masters and PhDs funded by the Research Councils most will insist on a 2:1 as there are very limited places. There are other ways of getting funding or partial funding so that shouldn't stop you.

I would say that doing a Masters is worth it as there are so many people with degrees that it does make you stand out. It would give you a good idea of whether you would be interested in your chosen field and help you focus your career. It certainly helped me decide what I wanted to do as I was unsure after my undergrad degree.

Hope this helps and good luck!