is it ever good enough?


i have just submitted a chapter - which is an improvement, but i always feel like i could still correct this, and that , and this it takes me ages to finish anything is this normal or is it the perfectionist in me ?


writing theses, papers, etc is an exponential process:

the first 50% takes 10% of the time, and the second 50% takes 90% of the time. The final 10% takes 50% of the time. ie. to make it perfect takes infinite time!

also, no matter how much you re-re-re-read your work, it will have a mistake. i'm sure the psychologists out there have a theory for this? i think it's called the 'law of sod'.

you can try re-reading your work after 5 days, re-reading it after a pint, and asking your super/colleagues to read it.


Hi Jojo,

maybe one could also apply the Pareto rule: 80% of the work will take you only 20% of your time and effort, the last 20% (perfection!) will take 80%!

Personally I do not believe in perfection. I think it is typical for "theorists" to try and do things perfectly, but there are major problems as a result in making decisions and finishing on time. It can be a major reason for disappointment and frustration. Obviously I do not know your learning style yet perhaps an "aktivist approach" would suit you: Do things as good as you can and submit, you may get it back, corrections , submit etc. This may be more effective then go for perfection.


thanks rick, i always wondered what that rule was called.


hmm.. thanks rick and UFO. rick, you're an economist?



no, I have studied medicine yet also did an MBA. So do know a little bit about regarding management / business, but definitely no expert.


enough to fool me that you're an economist.