is this normal? end of 1st year :)


hey there....

just wondering. am almost done with my first year and am feeling really lost. in the first term (sept) i did lots of work and then in the 2nd term (Jan) i didn get much done coz of all the teaching preparation i had to do, now its 3rd term and i have done some work, say about 3000 words on what should have been done at the start of my thesis. to put it in another way, my thesis is on the role of x in y. so imagine am still figuring out how x and y relate and i don feel am getting anywhere with all the new stuff i have to learn. does anyone else feel like me.....or maybe you've been in my shoes b4.....where were you all at the end of your first year????


absolutely normal:) I changed topic in the middle of the 2nd year and still am not panicking. You will be allright.


Yeah I am definately in the same boat. I find Im going back and reading texts books that explain certain issues as the area Im looking at has changed dramatically since my proposal.


thanks everyone. i think am at either one of these two places: 1) still figuring out my topic or 2) am finally depending more on my work for direction than my supervisor (hmmmmmm... i wish).