Journal Paper Post Thesis Submission


During the process of completing my PhD thesis I started a journal paper with the intention of attempting to get it accepted before I completed my studies. Due to working full time as well as doing a part time PhD the paper didnt get finished. The original draft was a follow up to three conference papers I had written with additional results / conclusions that were taken from my thesis. Before I submitted my supervisor reviewed the paper and said it was OK, but needed some parts re-writing as the Turnitin results were showing too many matches (90% of which were to my own conference papers). Now I have submitted my thesis, this result will be even higher as teh new material in the paper was taken from my thesis (which at the time hadnt been submitted.

My question is "re-using" sections from my own work still classed as plagiarism? I dont want to re-invent the wheel by starting over, when the hard work is already done, but also dont want to get the paper rejected based on results showing it has been copied (albeit off myself).

If I have to completely re-write I will but I wanted to try and save some time if I dont have to

Has anyone had any similar experience?
