Makeup Queries (for Ladies)


Hello Ladies,

Mods, I know this is seriously off-topic but I would really appreciate it if you would kindly retain this thread in the chosen section :-x

Satchi, you've kind of inspired me and a few others to actually pursue this topic so thanks for that (up)

URGENT! What color makeup would go with black (dress)? What is the current fashion - light pink and silver combined (light makeup obviously), or maroon and silver with black liner and mascara (heavily made up look)?? Would appreciate quick responses/opinions as I need to make up my mind by tomorrow evening and am unable to decide between the two! HELP!

While we're at it, what color makeup would go with a golden dress? Any tips/advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated :-)


hi starlight222
I recently watched a youtube tutorial on eyeshadow, but now I don't remember what it was called, maybe something like Spring Eye shadow, there was a pretty girl teaching the eyeshadow techniques, I think she used Elf cosmetics. I think that would go with your black dress; in the tutorial she showed pink and goldish eyeshadow.

I think you'll find lots of makeup tutorials on youtube. There was another one also on how to apply foundation; I also don't remember what it was called. but i got a lot of tips on it. There was this girl who used a cd to mix the foundation.

what are you wearing? black or gold dress? I think you'll also have to consider the colour of your eyes for the makeup and your hair perhaps. I have no idea what make up colour goes for gold dress, natural, do you think?



======= Date Modified 28 Mar 2010 23:12:01 =======
Hi Satchi,

Thanks for responding to my post - good idea, will check out youtube. Well yes, color of hair and eyes will definitely need to be taken in account...(brunette with pale skin). Well, there is this party tomorrow that I am planning on wearing a black dress to and a wedding on Thursday for which my choice is a golden dress. Hmmm. perhaps I may get some tips for makeup for golden dress from youtube as well? Will check it out too. Thanks Satchi :-)


Just wrote a really long message and lost it as I was spell checking :-( this is a cut down version I am afraid.

What's the style of dress - if it's a clingy vampy type (what my husband calls a pulling dress based on what I was wearing when he chatted me up) I'd go for the maroon and silver - if it's a bit more subtle then the silver and pink.

I vaguely remember reading something about either strong eyes or strong lips but not both. I tend to go for grey eyes and very red lipstick with black but it depends on your colouring - if you are pale with red hair you would go for something more subtle than if you have a more Mediterranean colouring. With the gold dress I'd go for browns, creams, pinky brown etc - lipstick could be quite dark brown / maroon if you are dark or more neutral if you are fairer.

The other thing to think of is what will the lighting be like where you are going – if it is bright light then you need to go for a more subtle look otherwise it can look too OTT – on the other hand if it is quite dark then go for stronger colours.

The other option is to go into a shop and ask for advice - you don't have to buy anything to get a quick makeup done. My friend always gets us hand massages and glass of champagne at Jo Malone in Harvey Nicks and I have NEVER bought anything.

What’s the occasion?


Hi Jepsonclough,

Thanks for your response as well. Helpful tips...the dress is a gown and the bottom is an umbrella flare, not clingy at all! Yeah I know about either accentuating one of the two, the eyes or the lips but I am not sure whether that is actually followed nowadays? Hmmm, not sure about the lighting I am afraid. And no time to pop into shops either as the party is just tomorrow - it is a pre-wedding party for the same person whose wedding is on Thursday.

Avatar for sneaks

If it a pre-wedding party you want to make sure you don't out-do the bride. I think lips or eyes depends on you. I have extremely long eyelashes so tend to go with the eyes, but i guess angelina jolie would go for lips. And I would go for things that match your skin tone. I know for me pinks would be odd because I am very pale, so i look like some kind of albino mouse. I know if you have blue eyes you're not supposed to use blue eyeshadow etc because you are supposed to bring out your eye colour so go for something that contrasts (I always go for brown to contrast against blue).


Sneaks, thanks for responding to my post. Appreciate your helpful tips :-).


extremely long eyelashes :-) I'll have some of those next life.


starlight222! so what make up did you use after all :-) and which dress did you wear the black or gold dress?


Hi there,

Take a look at this website This lady is a make up genius! I think any colour will look great with a black dress but if you want to try something a bit more funky take a look at the link.



Hi Starlight, I don't tend to follow make up trends, as I think once you've got something to suit you then stick with it! Obviously reassess what suits you every so often though! :-) For the black dress, I tend to go with simple eyes and red lips, it's always one or the other, that particular gem will never change :-) for the gold dress, I don;t usually wear gold as I'm quite pale (almost blue actually...) but if I do wear those tones then it's always a brown/bronze shade of make up as I have blue eyes it helps stop me looking washed out :) To keep a fashion twist to it though i usually update accessories, so black dress with black shoes/bag of the season, or coloured shoes like red patent shoes and bag (I got some lovely ones in Faith), patterns whatever is in fashion/takes your fancy :)


Quote From buttercup1984:

Hi there,

Take a look at this website

great link buttercup. She's really good. I can't wait to try some of those.


======= Date Modified 31 Mar 2010 09:13:55 =======
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-inappropriate content-


======= Date Modified 31 Mar 2010 21:48:25 =======

Thanks for your posts everyone :-).

Satchi - I opted for pink and silver although I was sorely tempted to try the smoky eyed look but as I haven't tried it on myself previously, I was worried I'd mess up and end up looking like a racoon :$. Hence, I decided it was best to stick with something that I had prior practise with. However, I am definitely going to start experimenting with new kinds of makeup! Well I wore the black dress for the pre-wedding party and am planning on the golden dress for the wedding which is tomorrow :-)

Buttercup - thanks a lot for the link! It's definitely interesting and I would love to get some tips for tomorrow's wedding party.

Algaequeen, Thanks for your suggestions too :-)