MSc Management, Organisations & Governance (LSE)


I have graduated from Durham with a (mid) 2.1 and have work exp at Citigroup but there are only approx 20 places available on the above course. Is it worth applying still?


One thing is certain: If you don't apply, you won't get a place! Go for it, you have nothing to lose and potentially, could get a place on a course that you really want to do. It's a no-brainer!!

Good luck with your application


thanks ann...its just that those 20 places are to be allocated to people throughout the world......not nice


No, but what makes you think you deserve a place less than the competition?! Time for some self-belief! You can do it!!


hey there.

definitely believe in yourself.

i applied to this program and i got in.

i've heard that applications are now closed for this program, but definitely try again next year.

the application process is very holistic; your 'personal statement' defining why you want LSE, why this program (etc.) is extremely critical to your success, as are academic references.

if you have these items, then 'sell yourself' to lse.

they want confidence; not self-doubt.

best of luck.



well done does look like a very good course
I have actually applied but still not heard back, but they are considering my application as I gave it in in time.....

we shall see what happens :)


i hope you get in.


thanks luigi
are u really excited about starting?


absolutely. i live and work in canada, so i'm really excited about the move to london. i've visited the uk extensively, so the transition should be smooth.

i'm really interested to see how this MSc will compare to other MSc's (i.e. Finance, or Economics) from a recruiting perspective.

hopefully, my peers bring more to the table than brains and ambition; i have a feeling i'll be the social butterfly of the group ;)


My name is Stelios.I got accepted in the LSE MOG MSc. I would appreciated very much as most of you have done the course if you could give me any advices. Was it a good course or not?
Thanks a lot!