On line thesis to download?


Hi Folks

I am considering doing a second MSc - this time in Urban Geography - or some closely related subject.

As part of preparation - I think it would be useful to start reading some related thesis - (no I am not planning to copy!)

Is there any particular organisation/university I could enrol with, in order to download related papers/thesis.

Money is a serious consideration - so it would have to be for no or minimal charge.

Does anyone know how I could go about this?




======= Date Modified 24 Aug 2012 23:34:29 =======
Hi Anglette

The British library would be a good place to start; you can register for free and access many of the theses lodged with it on an open access basis. I am not 100% certain if you have to be registered at an educational institution but here is the link to register
https://ethos.bl.uk/UserDetails.do - pdf etheses are delivered free to your inbox.

Also, why not dip into the online catalogues of a university. You don't have to be a current student to access a library website. Some academic institutions have some etheses available via the catalogue. There are quite a few etheses available [for free] at my university's library; I've just checked to be sure!

And of course, there's always Google :-) Some theses are available this way. Play around with your keywords and you might strike it lucky. As a starter put the words 'urban geography phd thesis' into Google. Regular Google rather than scholar appears to give better results as scholar seems to throw up a lot of journal articles.

Good luck(up)


Thanks for this Ady

I shall give it a go.

