Organizing your research


Hello everyone,

I just wanted to share something for those of you who are trying to come up with good ways of organizing your thoughts, notes, references, links, ect.

1. is great in that you can create separate stacks for separate topics and tags as well. You can add references, notes, your writings, as well as add attachments like pdfs that you may want to refer back to over the span of your research endeavors.

2. - here you can add all of your bookmarks and organize them. This is nice because you can access them from any computer/mobile device that has the internet. You can create stacks and tags as well. But note: please be aware of the fact that your stacks may be public unless you choose to make them private. You can make some public and others private. The other fun thing about this is that you can see the number of other individuals who have bookmarked those links that you have saved too. You can then visit their stacks and see what other useful links they might have related to your interests.