Personal journal subscription


I am a PhD student in life sciences and was thinking about taking a personal subsription to one of the big journals (Nature or Science) just so that I have them at home to flick through. I think it would improve my general knowledge of current research. I do have access to them when I am at Uni, but I never seem to have time to read them whilst i'm there. Does anyone think this is a good idea, or am I just wasting money?


Depends on how you read these journals- if you read most of the articles out of interest (ie also the articles that have nothing to do with your topic) then go for it and enjoy.

If you only read work related journals its a waste of money. Your uni will have the online pass words, and you can print out the papers that interest you and read them in the bath tub.

If you really want to geek out- how about Nature podcasts?


Why DanB, you are constantly agreeing with me lately !

And you are intersted in science!

Ohhhhh ....

So, is anyone got Nature podcast?





Thanks for all the replies everyone! I do have access away from Uni as well, but I always find it far easier to read things when they are on paper and in a "glossy magazine" so I think I will get a subscription. Thanks for the tip about the podcasts as well anonGerman, will defenitely check them out.