phd in strategy


I have been thinking of pursuing a PhD in strategy which I really need advise about. a. is a PhD really worth all the effort and the time invested if I do not want to teach? b. I've been told that most PhD programs are fully funded or is funding available only after the course starts? Should I apply to colleges depending on the advisors for the program?


No it's not! A PhD is like a rollercoaster, sometimes good but often you will be feeling very low as it's very stressful and frustrating therefore it's not worth doing if you're not 100% committed! You need to be passionate about what you're doing and why you're doing it as there is nobody to motivate you to get your work done, you just have to get on and do it! I don't think it's worth it unless you want to work in academia as the pay isn't great and you're expected to put up with a lot! Acadmeics are a strange bunch! There is alot of insecurity and egos around which manifests itself in strange ways!

Not all PhDs are fully funded although there are quite alot that are but it is usually very competitive depending on your subject and your uni! I would definitely think carefully before considering one as what you get out of it depends on what you put in and why you do it. So if you are not sure I would take some time out and consdier what you do want to do! A PhD is definitely not the easy option though it might sound like that! Choosing a program depending on your supervisor is very important - there are many threads on this topic! Basically you need to get along and they need to be helpful and supportive!