PhD offer and now?



I just found out that I have been accepted onto a PhD. Even though I am really chuffed I am wondering, where do I go from here? The offer letter said that I will be contacted by my supervisor prior to the start of the PhD, yet do you guys think it would be adequate to send him a short e-mail thanking him for the offer? Should I ask him anything else, like whether he would suggest any further reading I could do in order to prepare? Or something else?

Also, because I was so stupid not to ask when accepting the offer, the studentship was advertised as funded however my offer letter doesn't state anything with regard to funding, but neither does it mention something about having to pay any fees. Thus, can I conclude that I will be funded or shall I ask them again?

I would be thankful for any advice!




I think it would be nice to send a short email, and would start things off well with the supervisor. Just say what you think is right, maybe some reading that you've done lately that you think is particularly relevant, and asking for suggestions like you've said.

Maybe ask the admissions secretary about the funding issue, but I doubt theres a problem and I'm sure its probably funded.