PhD Supervisor


Hello All,

From reading my other posts, you will see that I have not had an easy ride(who does says you,-)) -have previously been told by my supervisor to leave my PhD twice. With much argument, he agreed that I could stay and finish my PhD and this was only because I went to talk to another supervisor who felt my current supervisor was mad to make me leave and that I did have what it takes to do a PhD.

I only see my sup once every three months if lucky and for the last three years, I can honestly say that our meetings have been mostly negative with him commenting on my lack of results and lack of understanding etc. He does acknowledge that I work my ass off but I always leave our meetings feeling like I am back in square one. I regret the fact that I never spoke up and said that I needed more supervision.

Anyways, had a meeting with him last week and now he wants me to wrap up things and finish up in the lab in the next two months. I talked to my supervisor about not having enough results and also about him wanting me to leave in the past but his reply was don't worry, you will be fine. I am normally a positive person but for the last two months or so I have this huge niggling doubt that I do not have enough to submit and will eventually go into my viva and fail.

My supervisor is very high up in my university and the only thing that keeps me sane is the fact that if I did fail, it would reflect hugely on his career. But I am worried that he doesn't care anymore and just wants me out of the lab. I can honestly say now that if I was told to leave, I would. Have taken so much BULL the last three years that I just feel like walking out and saving myself the humiliation of the inevitable failing. Has anyone experience a similar problem. Any advice-thanks in advance :-)