PhD Thesis Archives


Hello everyone,

I'm new here :-)

I received an email last week from the University of Surrey confirming a place to start my PhD research in April - a formal offer will follow in the 'next few weeks'. I will not meet my Director of Studies until then - so I'm using the time to read journals and reflect on my proposal with the feedback received during my application. I graduated in 1996 and have been working since. I also did a part time MBA in 2002.

In order to get a feel of what is expected from a PhD, I would like to read theses (successful ones) in my field of Performance Management (Business) and wondered if there is a searchable online archive somewhere of good examples? More recent ones may even have good suggestions under Further Research Recommendations to help me focus on a subject that 'adds to the body of knowledge': a term that is often used on university websites to describe a PhD.

Your help will be very much appreciated.




Hello, and welcome:-)

You could start with the British Library - register (free), search and you can download etheses free - it's up to you to do the searching;-)


Thank you very much for the lightning-fast reply. Will register immediately :-)

Avatar for Mackem_Beefy

Wales has a separate repository.

You might also want to check individual University repositories, which will at least have recent theses in them.

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)


Thank you, Ian. I only just read your reply :) Been busy reading. One of the search results produced work from Bangor University which suggests they're included in the British Library archives. Will also check university websites for more.

Quote From Mackem_Beefy:

Wales has a separate repository.

You might also want to check individual University repositories, which will at least have recent theses in them.

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)


Hey all,

I appreciate your responses which would even help in my research as well.

Thank You