Publishing your PhD


======= Date Modified 02 33 2008 15:33:10 =======

Has anyone published their PhD? or planning to publish?

Are you having success with publishers?

I was told to contact publishers a good year before finishing my PhD if I wanted to get it published. However, I'm planning to re-write it once I submit it so it's more user-friendly as reference material.

What type of deals have you been offered in terms of royalties/ free copies? Obviously I'm aware an academic makes peanuts off their publication.


Some universities do published student 'phd thesis' as e-article for other student references. I'm not sure about your academic status or u can write some journals or books which gain lecture post. Hope it'll help.(up)(up)


Are you in the Arts? I think that in the Sciences its more usual to produce a series of journal articles, rather than one publication (in which case publisher deals and royalties etc don't exist!). However, I did sit in on a session at a conference where a guy from a publisher was talking about monographs, but if I remember rightly (I apologise I didn't listen that intently as it didn't seem relevant to me!) he was talking about publishing during a post-doc etc. He did say the whole process took a while, so I suppose it can't hurt to do it early. However, is a year too soon? They'll want a pretty firm proposal that will probably go to peer-review, and if your PhD conclusions change...

In Europe (especially the Netherlands) science PhDs, or a collection of papers from a PHd are often published in a nice monograph-style publication. I've got two on my shelf, and I think they're really useful. I think the University pays something towards it?


I'm in law - so it's common to publish a series of articles, or a monograph, or some sort of practitioners guide. Most good PhDs works are published. In fact, it's looked badly upon if the PhD is published (I just hope mine is good enough..!).

It would be interesting to know how much work is involved getting through the publication stage?