Statistical help? Comparing proportions


Can anybody help me finding the right statistical test to use? I would like to compare the difference in proportion of resolved disease variables between two treatment groups. The patients were followed over time, at three different time points (week 2, 4 and 18). There are three different disease variables. Those disease variables are scored based on acquired images. The scores were either resolved or not resolved. So I would like to compare the proportion of resolved scores between the groups, for each disease variable and follow-up moment.

Here is an example of my data

Disease variable Treatment group Week Resolved Total
A X 2 3 13
A Y 2 5 9
B X 2 2 11
B Y 2 4 9
C X 2 4 12
C Y 2 3 9
A X 4 6 9
A Y 4 7 8
B X 4 4 8
B Y 4 3 8
C X 4 5 10
C Y 4 3 5
A X 18 5 9
A Y 18 6 7
B X 18 5 6
B Y 18 5 7
C X 18 5 7
C Y 18 5 5

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Not an expert but as you say the result is binary (dead or alive patient) so wouldn't Bernoulli distribution work. Were you assume each disease at each week is independent and you can get a probability of the patient being dead at that week, then you can just compare probabilities. I might have oversimplified it but might help.