

My sv doesn't seem to understand my topic. During meeting, she will just sit and occasionally jot down something. During my 'writing proposal period' she was away for 6 months, and she appointed a temporary sv for me, and the temporary sv has nothing to do with my topic (he even looked suprised when I approached him and told him that I'm under his temporary supervision).

My proposal has been approved and she appointed a second supervisor which is her husband. She told me that meetings will be done with her only and when I make a blurr face, she quickly added "and occasional meeting with your second sv as well".

I don't think her husband has any clue on my topic. It's been a year since I started my PhD and I don't even have a sngle meeting with my so-called second sv. During my firist 4 months, I've been thinking of approcahing new SV, but I'm just trying to be positive and told myself maybe my sv is trying to make me learn how to be independent.

A year has passed and I still have the thought of changing supervisor. Question is, is it too late to do so? If I change my supervisor, I might be changing my current topic as well as the other potential supervisor wouldn't know anything about my topic. Only my current SV has the knowledge of my current topic. Anyway, I seem to have lost interest in my current topic as well due to the lack of direction.

Any advice?


Never too late. I think you should start reading potential supervisors' research interests and suggest to your director of studies. But I don't understand the connection between lack of direction and losing interest in your current topic. Are you sure it's not the other way round? It sounds like you need to do some thinking. Good luck...


Bit confusing. You say your SV has no knowledge of your topic but later say she is the only one who does have that knowledge. Is it that she doesn't understand the topic or is it that she isn't taking an interest in it? It sounds as though you are basically not getting any supervision. I think it's unwise to appoint a spouse as a co-SV.

If you are self-funded it should be fairly easy to change SVs and project - if not - then it might be very difficult and funding will not be added for the extra time you will undoubtedly need.

I'm also unsure about losing interest due to lack of direction. That would be a major warning bell to me as a potential SV if a potential student said that.



Thanks for the feedbacks. What I meant is only my SV has the knowledge in this field..I got mix up with the word 'field' and 'topic'. Abt the lack of interest and direction, I don't expect to be spoon fed. But I do expect some advice and direction in my research.

I'm totally lost now.



I think I see what you mean. Perhaps you should ask more specifically for advice or direction and see how she responds. If it's hopeless - consider a change.