Supervisor dating student


My supervisor (32) is dating his student (23). It all started when she was doing honours in our lab, and now she is doing a PhD with him. And ofcourse, she is treated like a university in Australia allows this. Has anyone else experienced supervisor/student relationships, and is this allowed at your university?


Why bother !!! ... focus on your PhD ... you dont need to put more load/stress yourself by thinking about their relationship unless it is directly affecting you!!!


She has the highest priority using the machines.
She has access to all chemicals at all times; others don't.
She works on the supervisors projects; others have their own projects.
She doesn't do any of the dirty lab-work; others have to do everything themselves.
She never gets into trouble; others get into trouble at least once a week.

It's hard to ignore and not get totally pi**d off by it.


well.. usually it is not allowed, your university is quite strange. How will a supervisor "supervise" someone's work objectively in this case? and what if the relationship doesnot work out..
sorry, but have never experienced this before.. I work in a male-dominant field, so it is quite rare that the relationship happens among super/students..
anyone, any ideas?


It is an unusual situation (normally it is a very dodgy area that unis do not allow but generally accept happens). The plain fact is there is nothing you can do about it if it is, as you say, allowed by your Uni: kicking up a fuss won't do you any favours at all, like the other post says, just get on with your PhD.
What are you getting told off about? If it is that your work is not good enough, then this is criticism you need (even if it is put in a non-constructive manner).


Sounds annoying. Favouritism should stop in infant school. Could you draw up a rota ffor use of machines, cleaning etc and innocently suggest that following this will make life easier for everyone?


I personally think that it is very unprofessional of the supervisor to be dating his student.. There is no way that he will approach things without any bias. Also the student is being very selfish by not mucking in with the lab duties etc. A rota is a good idea, we have one in our lab and it makes sure everything is done and it also allows lazy people to be identified.

But at the end of the day like other people say there is nothing you can do about it.. If her work is not up to scratch and he is just being nice to her then she will get her comeuppance later down the line I am sure.. She wont be able to bat her eyelids to get through a viva!


Hi Noz. This is certainly NOT allowed in universities, and this is universal. I know there is dating going on between lecturers/students, but it is certainly not allowed between a sup and the student they supervise. This is a breach of ethics, and certainly not acceptable.


just realised how many times I used the word 'certainly' there. Hmmm, bit emphatic?


I think at most universities, the student would probably be supervised soley by the second supervisor if a relationship developed between them and their first supervisor. This may be a solution for your problem, especially if this girl's second supervisor happens to work in a different building


I can't comment on universities abroad, but in North America, this type of relationship is generally frowned upon; however, many universities (save the University of California), don't have strict policies against it.

Many have policies in place regarding professional conduct between a professor and a student, but no policy to prevent it.

There is an article from the New York times discussing student-prof relationships if anyone is interested.


Does your dean of academic affairs/whoever deals with ethics know? I would have thought that this would have been if not 'not allowed' then certainly frowned upon in any Uni - its cetainly not allowed at ours - the supervisor in this case must give up the students project - if you really think it is affecting others working in the department then I think you should bring it up with an independent person.

You have to be honest about whether any favouritism is really being shown and get proof - ie at what hours is she allowed access to equipment when you are not.. I would then raise it at whatever forum you have - maybe leave the relationsip out of it and just propose that you see a lack of fairness in the equipment and ask for rotas etc..


If you are planning to say something about it, is there someone who can make a complaint with you jointly? You have to be careful that it dosn't look like you just don't like this girl, otherwise your complaint might not be taken seriously.


I read your thread this morning. If there is no law against it there is nothing you can do. In the UK you wouldn't be allowed for a number of good reasons. I am shocked, but just think of the fireworks if/when they break up!


Anyone got any nice lady supervisors I can date?