The CSI Effect- Forensic PhDs Help!


I am a current Forensic and Analytical Science student predicted a 1st class degree and have a years experience in industry under my belt. I'm looking to do a PhD on graduation in 2012. However, in the field I am most interested in I am being asked to do a MSc first. I'm assuming this is due to the immense competition for funded places. The problem is, what with the reductions in university funding etc, a MSc is looking to cost me £9000 in just fees (which I cannot afford) and even after this there is no guarantee of securing a funded PhD position.
Is anyone else in the same boat or can anyone offer me any advice?


Hi Lorna, think we are quite similar as I graduated with a First class honours in Forensic and analytical science last year :) with one year industry under my belt too.. maybe we're at the same uni lol :). Im now doing a PhD but it is not forensic related, and i love it!! Are you looking for a PhD forensic related?? if the prospect uni has suggested u do a MSc i would consider it. But with the fees increasing it is very tough to self fund a master with no guarantee of securing a PhD, it is probably worth you gaining some work experience in the forensic sector to gain some experience and some contacts and possibly work first and then do a PhD later on. Or you could contact your current tutors and see if they got any links to other academics and other PhD opportunities. Hope this helps.


Haha! Thanks for the reply. I am looking for a forensic related PhD and its proving really really difficult. I have contacted all the universities in the country that do the research that I am interested in (it wasn't hard as there aren't that many...!). I'm currently at a very large private sector company, in a forensic based laboratory too, which I would have thought would have counted towards something. I feel like I am being pulled in two directions at the minute as my lecturer at uni is saying that I don't need to do a MSc with my grades but where I have applied say that they don't even look at any CVs that do not have an MSc on them. I've even visited the prospective supervisors and explained my situation.
Maybe its because I'm being too fussy in what I want to do. I haven't had a massively great time on placement and mostly feel that I'm not trusted and very stupid. On the upside it has made me realise how much I enjoy the learning environment (I've actually missed the coursework and exams etc....does that make me crazy?!) and that perhaps academia is the way forward for me. I've saved like crazy this year and its a bit gutting with fees going up that now I can't afford anything :-( . If I hadn't of gone on placement I would have been able to afford the MSc as I would have graduated this year!
Seems like it doesn't matter what grades you get, they are only interested if you have the money!