Truthful to my research or degree


I am in a bit of confusion. I am writing my conclusion in which one of the area is conflicting. There is a recent debate emerged in my field. I oppose it and share more leftist point of view about it. But majority of the academics in my field supports it. They all seem to be in the race to research and support it. Cant blame them could be because of funding.

In this case what should I do? I really do not want to force myself and include others' point of view because it is ethically wrong but on the other hand I have to appear for Viva and all these academics seem to be fundamentally different. Which could create problem.

This is not my main area of research but it covers significant amount of discussion, conclusion and further research. Because of the country specific subject of my research there are very choices available to me in terms of examiners.

Your insight and opinion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Cover the merits and weaknesses of both viewpoints, why one might support that viewpoint and why one might oppose it.

Herein lies a trap that many quite intelligent people fall into. Rather than look at the evidence as a whole, they'll pick up on the data that supports their viewpoint or theory and try to dismiss or ignore that which may counter it.

All relevant viewpoints need to be considered.



Hey Ian,

Thank you very much for your reply and explanation. I thought on the same line to present the debate from both point of views. But the 'trap' you explained sounds true. I too fall for it. Ha ha.

In the discussion chapter it sounds right but what about conclusion and further research? Should I still give my recommendations? To what extent it might affect their decision? I understand that you can not travel in the minds of examiners but have you ever witnessed anyone with contradictory views from their examiners and still got away? I am emphasising on the topic because I am interested in doing further research on the same line or at least encourage other researchers to throw light there.


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Quote From Sunnychicka16:
Hey Ian,

Thank you very much for your reply and explanation. I thought on the same line to present the debate from both point of views. But the 'trap' you explained sounds true. I too fall for it. Ha ha.

In the discussion chapter it sounds right but what about conclusion and further research? Should I still give my recommendations? To what extent it might affect their decision? I understand that you can not travel in the minds of examiners but have you ever witnessed anyone with contradictory views from their examiners and still got away? I am emphasising on the topic because I am interested in doing further research on the same line or at least encourage other researchers to throw light there.


Perhaps part of the further work needs to examine the merits, strengths and weaknesses of the two viewpoints with a view to examining in depth which has the most merit?

The debate could well be worth a new project in it's own right and possibly worht a PhD for a successor student to yourself? :-)



Thank you so much Ian. It really helped.

I wish I wish I wish..... I get PhD :)