US PhD forum / database ? Cadillac suitable countries ?


Does anybody know a good PhD/grad school website for the US?

I want to make my PhD in an English speaking country where I can still drive home in a Cadillac convertible without feeling cold when I leave the lab at 10 pm. Best would be if this climat is all year round.
UK and Canada are therefore not good places for me but I thought US might be fine.


Do a PhD in the US at your peril. they take much longer than a PhD in the UK, so maybe you could do a PhD in UK then move to USA for work, that way you would be in the sun, earning much more!!


I agree, Cadilac suck big-time


I would rather drive a Vauxhall Monaro across Australia (then again, its a Holden Monaro over there)


Nigeria? They all want to get out of there and come over here don't they? South Africa is cheap [PhD wise] and hot.


LOL DanB, I have had loads of emails like that


As if people are so stupid to think that would work


don't think my criteria are odd. What I hate about working long hours in a lab is the fact that it's cold and dark once you get out in the evening.
I'm about to finish my Master's degree in France and I realised that I was much more motivated in the warmer month than during winter times.

@ Stu
You're serious about the time difference between US and UK PhD programs? I thought it takes between 3 and 4 years in the UK and mostly 4 years in the US but I'm not sure?!


I think the problem is that a lot of US-programms start at the Bachelor-level and lead directly to the PhD.
I'm trying at the moment if I can get an arrangement for being accepted on advanced standing with my Master's Degree.
But I guess I'll have to spend at least 4 years for the PhD. It's the question if this is worth the international experience. I hope so...


Dan B - I'll store your money for you. That way, I can get a PhD from Belford University and forget this 3/4 year malarkey.