Viva Confusion - Request for extra softbound copy and second internal?


Hey everyone, new MRes student here.

I recently (end of March after an extension due to extenuating circumstances surrounding caring for my unwell mother) submitted my MRes thesis to the university for distribution to the internal and external marker, there was a slight mix up with a form surrounding my intention to submit which I was informed would delay that process, which I accepted would be the case, taking a well earned break following the stress and strain of write ups and submission and so on.

However, today I received an e-mail requesting another soft bound copy of my thesis and was informed there would now be two internal markers and one external, instead of the one internal and one external. This has completely and utterly thrown me off balance and I am so paranoid and anxious right now as to why there is a sudden change.

Is there something terribly wrong with what I have submitted? I was informed prior to hand in that there were perhaps some areas I could touch up on but in no way was I given an indication that the structure, narrative of thrust of the overall work was severely flawed in a way that it was under severe thread of a failure. After all, they would have simply never let me submit it in the first place if this was the case or at least raised major concerns.

I will of course go and get another copy and submit it but I am now completely petrified as to why the sudden change, it's completely thrown me and it wasn't really explained why.

any help would be great.


I expect you are worrying over nothing and the change has nothing to do with you. Maybe one internal is being assessed and that's why the other is there? Maybe there has been a change of policy? You know, you can always ask the admin staff or the person that sent the email to explain the reason for the change. Seriously, focus on your viva prep and don't worry :)