whats everyone done over the summer


ive only got 2 weeks left until i start my phd and all the guys i will be working with in the lab have text me and asked what ive been getting up to with my LAST summer of freedom! truth is i havent done anythin exciting at all except work...and then spend that on goin out at weekends and the odd weekend away!all good i suppose cause the summers gone quite fast so i musta been enjoyin it!was just wonderin what all the newbies have been doin "in their last summer of freedom" and what all the phd guys have been doing to see what we have to look forward to!?:-)


grr stupid work eh?wouldnt it b great if a nice little monkey came through ure window every mornin n handed u a wad of cash! oh well ive fallen into my cornflakes dreamin again!


Life doesn't stop when a PhD starts. It will take at least 3 years, so you can't deprive yourself entirely. You can still have weekends away, nights out on the town, afternoons reading a book on the couch, overseas holidays, days at the beach, long lunches with friends, shopping with your mum...all the good things in life


can't seem to remember when summer was ... seems so long ago!!! Working mostly although I did manage a conference this year which was excellent.