Workshop paper



I was wondering if anyone has any advice or even examples of this. Basically I have to write a one page paper for a PhD workshop. I have seen some other papers written by 2nd/3rd year PhDs and they are usually along the lines of, Introduction, Method, Results, Conclusion. However I am only 4 months into my PhD so I can't really do that.

The idea of the workshop is simply to get PhD students from institutions close by and in my field and present what we are doing. So I know that this workshop is relevant for me even though I am 4 months in. I am just struggling to find something to write about after the Introduction and Method (given that my method is just 'how I am intending to do this').

Has anyone done anything like this? Any example papers that are along this line?

Thank you



I guess you are talking of Phd symposiums. They usually need a 15 min presentation and while they are a gr8 way to get to meet peers from diverse disciplines, and get *some* feedback, they are not the equivalent of open conferences and/or one to one meetings with scholars, and these are usually rather rushed and not intellectually satisfying..

A one page long is this supposed to be? Since you are first yr maybe you could just focus on ONE aspect of your research...just a central theoretical question and then fan out into theory from there...or focus on methodology...I would say it is a good idea to keep 1/3 dedicated to your topic, a holistic idea of what (you think) you are doing, and then focus 2.3 on any one aspect of the project...



There should be no problem at all if you announce right at the beginning that this is an ongoing research. The audience would not expect you to have any data. I did that before at an international conference and it went well.

You have to stress on why you did the research and what particular gap in knowledge you are trying to 'fill'. Your lit review and methodology would be the main focus of your presentation.

All the best.