PhD opportunities and funds


Hi, i m a current student in master of pharmacology and pharmacy in France specialize in pharmacology for research area.
I want to make my PhD in Uk but i don't know how to find funds for my PhD project and even how to get this PhD project.
Could anybody give me some advises about this Thank you.
PS: Now i m purchasing my master internship in a CNRS unity, my subject turn around epigenetic, oncology and angiogenesis.


Hi there,

you could try and find a studentship in your area at a UK institution. I think the chances of finding something aren't too bad in your sort of area. Studentships are usually advertised on each institution's website, so check out the Universities you're most interested in. Also, you can try for studentships.

The reseach councils usually only fund students who have been resident in the UK for at least three years prior to starting their PhD. However, as a EU student, you can still get funds to cover your tuition fees, but you'd have to pay for everything else from your own funds.

You could check if there's any scholarship opportunities from your home country, that's always worth exploring first.

Most Unis have some PhD scholarships available for international students, but you'd have to be quick because there is early closing dates for these. Also, your chances of getting such a scholarship depend heavily on your references and on how well you did in your previous studies.

Hope this helps a little,
