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accepting a PhD then turning it down months later

Is this possible? Has anyone done it? I'm applying for PhDs but also clinical science, but the interviews aren't til May so I won't know til then if I get on the scheme, but I would hopefully ahve secured a PhD by then...........

Tuition Fees and the Top Up Fees

That's great, thanks a lot guys!

Tuition Fees and the Top Up Fees

Don't PhD satudents have top up fees too now?

I'm considering doing a PhD next year but if I have to pay top up fees I won't be able to afford it

Tuition Fees and the Top Up Fees

Just out of interest, how many current PhD students would NOT have done a PhD had they had to pay these top up fees?

Failing a PhD

good point. there's no way I would be self funded. My sister's ex boyfriend was and always had no money.

Does anyone know of anyone who failed opr got kicked off their PhD? How bad does one have to be? I'm not thinking that I'm this bad, it's just out of interest really

Failing a PhD

no I'm not........I'm working as a research assistant for a year and then probaby doing one afterwards. I didn't look at PhD's in time to get my pick of them for this autumn and thought I'd wait and see the ones that came up for autu,mn 2007 and choose one i was really interested in rather than what was left this july

Failing a PhD

I haven't even started and I'm worried!

How does one fail a PhD? How is it examined? Do you gt a makr/grade or just pass/fail?

Considering a PhD

Cheers guys. How do I go about finding a decent PhD? Are there any universities that are especially good at research in certain subjects? Or any to avoid? Also, is it difficult living on only £10,000 ish a year with £3k tuition fees?

Considering a PhD

I am a final year undergrad student, and I want to stay in science, but it seems like you need a PhD to get any sort of a decent job. I do enjoy my subject, but the world of PhD's is a bit scary really and we're not told much about it. Has anyone started one feeling like this and found they really enjoyed it?