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What would be best solution for me to deal with toxic supervisor and lab environment

I am in 1st year of my PhD. My supervisor has sort of strange working system . He make me work as prisoner even during Christmas holidays . Despite sending him the usual work report he and his assistant connencted with me on teams and checked when and which document file I opened last and how much time I spent working. This happened during official Christmas holidays. I have been working constantly like a prisoner every time even on weekends and holidays to meet his strict deadlines. If I try to convince him that I will complete the work by this time depending upon the severity of work, he refuses and insults me badly . I have just been in the process of review since my entire first year and I dont know how much progress I have made or what I am doing. He basically gives commands and I follow like a prisoner and start working with no work life balance. This toxic environment impacted my personality because everything is driven by fear. Please share what I can do at this stage