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Supervisor insults his other students in front of me... makes me feel uncomfortable

Hi, my supervisor has a tendency to insult the other students he is supervising in front of me and it makes me feel rather uncomfortable. He details examples of their academic problems/misunderstandings and states that they are not capable and probably have learning disabilities/mental health problems. I have in the past suggested that perhaps these students are having difficulties with the pace of the work but that it doesn't necessarily indicate that they are incapable... but he disagrees with me and I often feel I have to bite my tongue when I'm around him (I feel infuriated by his belligerence). What worries me is that he may say the same thing to others about me and it really destroys my confidence in front of him to the extent where I feel I'm giving him ammunition to conclude that I have some kind of a learning disorder (I'm often nervous and appear confused about a number of issues around him). On one level, it's so ridiculous that it's funny - but actually it's really affecting my self esteem.

Has anyone else had any similar experiences and can anyone advise accordingly how to handle such a situation?