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MRes instead of MSc

I have an MSc by Research (basically an Mres, but without any taught modules). I find it has pros and cons. I am applying for PhDs, so this may not be relevant if you want to go into industry. My MSc by Res 100% helped me gain my research assistant post as it proved I could complete research, lab work etc. It is probably also beneficial for my PhD applications - however, it wasn't graded. It was pass/fail, and I believe that is holding me back somewhat as I can't say I was awarded a percentage grade. If yours has taught modules, then this may not be the case for you?

Perhaps email the companies you would like to work for to ask their advice?

NERC SSCP programme - any advice?

Have you seen the SSCP scoring criteria? It is online, if you google it there is a link. It shows how they award marks for different grades vs other experience.
I have been told that the NERC GW4+ DTP usually has 1200 applicants a year, so I would imagine Imperial is equally, if not more competitive.
Speak to the supervisor of the project you want to apply for, they can tell you about the DTP and if you have a chance.


Hi everyone,

I am about to start an MRes. I don't actually know anyone else who has completed one. I was just wondering if you had any words of wisdom or advice on an MRes?


Leaving a job to do an MSc

Hi everyone,

I'm having a bit of a dilemma and wondered if anyone else has been in the same position or has any thoughts?

I graduated last year. I loved the research aspect of my degree and being very hands on. Over the summer I had a "placement/experience" doing research abroad, which was the most incredible experience. The lecturer who I was helping told me I should just go for it and do a masters.

I then kind of lost my way a little over autumn, I was working in an awful retail job so I started applying for graduate positions. As we all know, they are pretty few and far between. I was lucky enough to be offered a job so started and moved in January, dragging my boyfriend with me. He is happy in his new job.

I'm not too happy. The job is okay, although dull. Not that well paid but I am getting experience behind me. I really like my colleagues. But I am constantly sat at my desk wishing I was doing something more interesting. Research is always something I've wanted to do. So I was planning to get two years of job experience behind me and then go back to uni, but now I'm contemplating applying for this year, the application doesn't close until July. I am quite unhappy and it is becoming a strain on my mental health, but I also need to weigh up how lucky I am to have a job, and how hard it'll be to get another job in the future, especially if I only have a few months experience.

I was just wondering if anyone had been in a similar position? I'm so unsure on what to do.