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Research Participants Needed for a MSc Psychology Study (Online)

Slowly but surely, so far I have 50/200 participants (baseline) for my study examining the effectiveness of guided imagery for improving well-being. As the study has three stages (baseline + 2 weeks listening + post-intervention), I'm trying my best not to hopefully get drop outs. Pretty please take part. I will use these results as part of my phd funding application so all the help is appreciated!!! Please visit the link to take part and for more information ->

Looking for participants for my MSc Psychology Research!

Hello all! I am looking for participants to take part in my research examining the effectiveness of guided imagery for improving well-being. - https://herts.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9FGgDZC8HfoyqoZ

-it consists of 20 mins baseline measure. Then 2 weeks of listening to the imagery in your own time and after this a 15 minutes post-intervention which I will send to you.

- I am aiming for 90-200 people, so if you can help it would be amazing. Thank you!