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Not taking recommendation letter from my pHD supervisor

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Not taking recommendation letter from my pHD supervisor

:-( I have a second suvervisor, who I can trust but she does not know my work well. What about senior lab members, research officer from my lab that knows my lab.

Not taking recommendation letter from my pHD supervisor

I am having very bad relationship with my PhD supervisor. I can't change my supervisor at this stage as i am going to sit for my viva. i am starting to apply for post doctorial without his letter. I have talked with my previous MSc supervisor and explain my situation. My previous supervisor agreed to give a very good recommendation. I plan to apply for a lecturing post also. I work with a consultancy company few years ago. The MD of the company also agreed to give a very good recommendation. Will this effect my application? I am really worried that my career will be effected for not getting recommendation letter from my PhD supervisor.