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Oh, I really hope my university will be accommodating like that. I am so stressed out lately, I am really questioning myself as to whether I will actually be able to sit the Viva.


Looking for advice please! I had a stroke beginning of this month and I am due to sit my VIVA in 2-3 months time. The stroke has had an impact on my memory and brain in general. I am unable to respond quickly when someone asks me questions and find it difficult to recall things. I am really wanting to sit the VIVA as the PHD has caused me enough stress and I just want to get it over and done with so I can start applying for appropriate jobs. Now my question is, are there any exemptions with the Viva? Will I still be allowed to sit it if I am having memory issues? Would I be allowed to go in with a set of notes and use them when asked questions? Would the university stop me from being able to sit the viva? Thanks a lot


Hi i'd be so grateful if anyone could help me with this!!!

I am carrying out research in a school and as parts of the research I need to recruit participants who are minority ethnic or economically disadvantaged. Does anyone know any possible ways of recruiting such participants? thank you

My Ph.D struggle at the very begging. Need advice

Don't worry! You are only a month into it. It took me and my supervisor at least a year to decide on a topic since I kept changing my research questions. So yes you are not the only one.

Recruitment of participants - how?

Purposive sampling maybe? To choose specific genders. Also you could just simply recruit participants from your university. You need to give a little more information regarding your research.


Hello guys, I hope you are all well :) I just have a few questions in relation to my ethics documents.

1.) How long did it take you to get ethical approval after sending off your forms to the committee?

2.) How long can an ethics document be? Mine is around 6,600 words and I am worried it is far too lengthy.

Any help would be great!