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Any other PhD mums?


I am currently doing my PhD, i'm on my 9th month, i can say things going OK...well, at least so far,I have submitted my proposal for approval and have started generating some data. I'm just wondering how its like being a mum and studying full time. My partner and I have been talking babies, i want to have one, simply because i'm not getting younger, i'll be 33 this year and i don't think i wanna wait until i finish my PhD. I wonder if i'll be able to cope, my family (my mum and my big sisters) are also on my case because of my age, should i be worried, i'm still scared this might affect my studies, even though my family have promised to take my baby until i'm done, but will i be able to part with my baby? I don't wanna put too much stress on my plate..i don't know, what do you guys think, you advise from experience will be highly appreciated. MsK xxx