Work / Msc Southampton



Do someone know if its possible study a full-time Msc in Southampton (in my case, Entrepreneurship) and work like 30hs/week, because I didn't get any type of scholarship or fundind at least...

If someone currently studies at Southampton and could help me to get an ideia about the city and the jobs oportunities...


hi, i got an offer from southampton as well. i was in southampton. it is a nice place to study. as to work, you can fit in a retail organisaition. the city has a large retail area. I am diong MSc in accounting and finance this year. good luck maybe we meet there


"as to work, you can fit in a retail organization."

I wouldn't commit to anything unless you have the monies in place. The above suggestion sounds OK on paper. In practice, with a recession descending on the UK, retailing is going to be hit very hard and I wouldn't bank on getting a job in that sector.