Is it possible to have a baby during your PhD?


Hi everyone,

I am seriously contemplating doing a PhD next year for several reasons. This is something I really want to do at some point in my life. BUT... I also REALLY want to be a Mum and am nearly 32. I will be 33 by the time I start my PhD and am hesitant to leave motherhood until after the age of 36 (and that's if I manage to complete it in three years!)

Has anyone started a family during their PhD or has a young family?

To make matters worse my partner is studying Medicine and won't be finished for another four years so I cannot rely on him being the main caregiver (we will have to juggle this between us).



Yes! Four of my friends also doing PhDs have done this, all at different stages of the PhD - one has even had a second baby recently! I'm sure it is tough to juggle everything but by no means impossible :-)


======= Date Modified 30 Jul 2009 16:01:01 =======
======= Date Modified 30 Jul 2009 16:00:23 =======
Hi Stargazer,

I know a former PhD student at my university who is now a Dr., but throughout all his 5-6 PhD years he's been married and had little kids. His wife was also a PhD student in another field and they both became Dr's in the same year.

2 other female professors I know have had their babies in their late 30's-40's.

Good luck in whatever you decide! :-)


Thanks for your replies everyone, they are very reassuring. :-)