I don't know what I want to do after PhD!


Hi, just wanting some advice from everyone here I feel like I'm lost. I know I love what im doing my PhD on (plant genetics) BUT I'm not sure where I should go after I finish. I know I don't want to be in the lab all my life so I was thinking a few post-docs then lecturing, BUT I don't really want to be a crusty old academic. SO I was thinking patent law, but I don't know how to get into that..

arrrrgggghhhh I'm so lost

Any advice? Anyone feel the same way????? :-(


Why don't you look for jobs in big companies that need research on the areas close ( not necessaraly the same) to your PhD ? What you are studying is really interesting I don't know if it is practical though but  I think you gotta get some advice for you career from your superviosr or someone who is a professional in this field.