Impending Studentship interview/presentation tips pls


Hi. I have a studentship interview coming up at relatively short notice. It's a presentation plus Q&A/interview. The guidance makes the presentation look morelike a speech is required rather than the usual PP presenttion. Any tips/advice very much needed.

Thanks in advance :-)


Anyone? it's Friday so I don't have lots of time. Thanks :-)


hi wowzers, this is good news indeed! thanks for sharing.
For presentations, I like it when the speaker goes quickly (but not too quickly that the content is lost)--and better if the speaker himself is enthusiastic about the findings :-)

One tip is not to be overly critical of your research. Better yet, don't say anything critical about it---just accept the challenge and answer to your best ability--- if they ask you anything :-)

best of luck---and remember to post back here with the even BETTER news

love satchi


Awe thanks Satchi. I've been with the same employer for over a decade now so haven't had an interview situation for a very long time and although teaching interview skills is part of my job it's sometimes difficult to act on your own advice! Hopefully I'll be posting back some time next week with good news. I hope so anyway.