Looking for a PhD in "neuroethics"


Hi guys, I'm new here. I was wandering through the net looking for infos concerning PhDs and I just arrived here. Today I gave my last exam before the final thesis (I study moral philosophy and I'm currently attending to a "Laurea Magistrale", equivalent to a master's degree) and now that I'm going toward the end of my path I'm looking for a PhD. Here in Italy there is so little concerning neuroethics, so I was wondering about trying abroad. Do you know something about it?
Trying to be more accurate, I'd like to go deeper in Damasio, Edelman and Tononi's fields and apply their researches to social behaviors to better understand the creation of moral judgements and decisions.
I thank you all for helping me.


Hi, we can't really help you here. You need to look through publications that you like and find research groups you are interested in and contact the academics. You can also look through the site and see if any PhDs in your field are advertised already. Good luck with your search!