No manners or Humanity yet doing a PhD


I am quite appalled at some of the insults written by some to those asking for help. I was hoping this would be a forum to help each other out, even if its a simple thing such as telling them to actually apply for a PhD by contacting profs. This application process we are so used to and is our norm, is not so elsewhere. Therefore, when someone asks for help, if you don't have anything constructive to say, then may I suggest that you go back to writing your thesis and leave those wanting advice alone.


What happened to treating people with some respect?


There are many threads from people saying 'I want to do this' and 'I want to do that'. Suggestions have been posted before but they don't clearly read any of these. We've all had to go out and fight hard to get our PhD places and I have little time for people who expect it on a plate.


I agree with DanB, these people are quite annoying, so they don't really deserve to be helped as much as they expect. When I looked at doing a PhD, I read all the info on this site, looked at university websites, enquired to prospective supervisors, spoke to my careers advisor. The list goes on. So why on earth can't these people do the same. Merely saying that they want to do a PhD will get nothing


Yes, I agree with your comment, however, when you specifically target people and use deragatory terms to mock them, it will get them nowhere.


Even giving them a step by step guide will not help them either.


It's also partially insulting to those of us who took it upon ourselves to the right thing. Which, I must point out, is exactly what has been said time and time again on here. If they bothered to read what was written instead of starting another pointless 'I want, I want' thread then maybe we'd show some more respect. Rant over.


I agree with DanB (again). They bring it upon themselves, they are too lazy. End of discussion


Well considering this is called 'find a phd' it is natural to assume that this is somwhere they can ask for a phd..esp internatonal students.


Again, where is all of this anger coming from. Yes, so you have had to work hard getting into your PhD. Now why can't you share some of your experience? Even if its saying "Try looking here" without belittling or insulting people. If you are so sick of reading it, you know you could just stop!


Gingerly, it's called common sense, what you would expect a PhD student to have. The reason so many people are getting annoyed is rather than someone just asking for a PhD, why cant they just look it up? There is a search section on this site, you can't really miss it, agreed? There is also a section for international funding. The answers are right under their noses, why don't they see them?


I agree with you there, H. It's also the fact that there are dozens of posts exactly the same and they haven't taken the initiative to read any of these and take the advice. Like H says, it's right under their noses if they bothered to have the sense to actually look.


I agree with you gingerly. People on here seem to give rude replies nearly all the time. I think it’s totally unnecessary.


I don't think they're that rude. I think it's offensive that people want to do a PhD who haven't the initiative to read around properly. The rest of us managed it !


If you were an academic and spotted this website, who would u more likely consider for you PhD vacancy: 1. Some random asking anyone and everyone where they can do their VERY specialised PhD with funding OR 2. A student who has taken the inititive (knowing the reputation of the department etc) and has contacted you directly with their CV ??????