chose a bad research question, would like some advice


i'm currently in the middle of a dissertation for an MSc in information technology. the problems i've been having stem mostly from not taking a module that would have helped me with the process of choosing a question and getting started on the literature review (btw at the time this module was not marketed as being compulsory to continue on to the masters when it really should have been - luckily for the current year's students it is compulsory now). this meant i had no real direction or idea for what to do on my dissertation and lead to me making a really poor choice and pretty much reverse-engineering my entire project based on developing a plug-in for wordpress.

i had to hand in an interrim report (literature review + methodology) was supposed to be 8000 words, mine was barely 3000. i have asked a few times about not finding anything relevant for the literature review and i feel like he will start getting annoyed if i keep asking for help with it. i also feel like his advice has been kind of inconsistent and vague at times.

in addition to this i'm in the middle of being diagnosed for adhd so.. that has obviously been causing huge problems with procrastination and inability to finish things. my next appointment for this isn't until the start of april so i'm kind of stuck with no help for this just now.

sorry this is kind of long, i guess to summarise i'd like advice on what to do with my project. i feel like my dissertation topic is terrible and a waste of time and i only have until the 20th of may to finish it. should i just keep doing my dissertation or should i change it completely? thanks if you read all of this.


Ok, you do have to remember that you are supposed to be quite independent by this stage and it may affect your marks if your supervisor gives you too much assistance (this might be why you are not getting specific advice) On the other hand, you do need to be able to make some progress. I think you need to be honest with your supervisor and ask for some more help, otherwise you might not make the deadline.


Hello sc648, Did you get feedback on your interim report?


thanks for the replies. i will probably email my supervisor, i thnk i just need to figure out exactly what to say.

and i did get feedback for the report but it wasn't written feedback (which i probably should have asked for) so i don't remember all of it exactly but i think he said it was too short and that the literature review was basically just "background reading".


OK then I think on that basis it would be perfectly reasonable and perhaps even expected to ask for some direction with regards to reading. I agree with TreeofLife. Even though it is independent study, I don't think that would constitute asking for too much support. Even at PhD level supervisors may recommend specific reading. Of course all supervisors are different. Just be honest and also show that you have looked into it yourself and come up with some potential developments to your lit review. Good luck.