Research question


I am a month through my PhD and I have been asked to prepare research questions (I know it is quite unusual but I did not have to write a research proposal due to the founding specs).
I have a general idea (more or less specific) about my research, however, I am not sure what format I should provide the questions in? For example - how long should be the document, how specific should the questions be? Should the questions be totaly unique?
I was thinking of providing a brief problem overview, then my questions/issues related to that problem/background. Do you think this is a correct approach and also how long do you think should be the document?
Thank you,


Can you see what other people in your research group or department have done? There's really no hard and fast rule.


Give an overview of the area of study, where you see a gap in the literature (research questions) how you'll address those with your project and what this will mean for the field - better analysis/quicker results etc


Regarding length... I suggest you check with your supervisors. They're the ones who will be reading through it and they may have a preference about format/how long. There is defo no correct approach. So seeing what they want may help. If they have no preference you could set yourself a rough framework (e.g., 1000 words including a background, method, and references - that was the length of my proposal). The RQs may only be a few hundred words, if that.

Regarding their specificity... if your project is quantitative then I think the more specific you can get your questions the better. You might have a broad overarching aim, and then some RQs that will address that aim. The RQs might start out a bit fuzzy but then as you come to write more of the background and method, you can fill in the gaps/edit them.

As I am finding out, things like research questions often change later, as the PhD goes on... but it helpful to get something pinned down as a starting point.


Thank you all for the above answers. I have managed to prepare my questions and it looks like my supervisors appreciate the free form I have provided them.
Thanks again,