Failing a PhD


I haven't even started and I'm worried!

How does one fail a PhD? How is it examined? Do you gt a makr/grade or just pass/fail?


are you starting this autumn by chance?


no I'm not........I'm working as a research assistant for a year and then probaby doing one afterwards. I didn't look at PhD's in time to get my pick of them for this autumn and thought I'd wait and see the ones that came up for autu,mn 2007 and choose one i was really interested in rather than what was left this july


Worth noting that if you are not up to the standards required for a PhD, it is most likely this will be picked up very early (within first 6 months, but most likely within the first year) as universities have assessment procedures in place


good point. there's no way I would be self funded. My sister's ex boyfriend was and always had no money.

Does anyone know of anyone who failed opr got kicked off their PhD? How bad does one have to be? I'm not thinking that I'm this bad, it's just out of interest really


well I know people who didn't pass their upgrade, although they were given a second chance...


erm about the grade, it doesn't really work like that, by the time you get to viva it could be: pass, pass with minor correction (3 months), pass with major corrections (18 months)(please no!), MPhil (examiners decide no chance your work can get to PhD level) or fail.


Thanks for starting this thread, I'm also worried about failing before I've even started, so you are not alone! By the way, does anyone know what sort of things count as minor or major corrections? I suppose there's no chance it could be spelling mistakes...


Oi DanB - don't put down us self-funders!

Universities can't afford to take on students who won't get through because of their completion rates - you make it sound like they'll take anyone, but the decent unis can be more choosey than that!


I think a lot of self funders get rejected by the staff rather than the department - the departments wants the cash, but the academics are concerned about their reputation and don't want a failed student on their 'record' IYSWIM


DanB, since you seem like a pretty good critic of your work and mistakes you make, wouldn't it be a sensible thing (or maybe to save your a**)to go over your jumpy report and sloppy graphs in the few days that you have until friday's viva. you know it might be a good idea..while you are hanging around the computer writing critical reviews of your work to this forum